Summer Swing Camp 2020
20. 2. 14 - 20. 2. 16 Parua Bay, Whangarei, New Zealand

Summer Swing Camp 2020

Dates: 14-16th Feb 2020

Where: Parua Bay, Whangarei Heads, New Zealand

Featuring: Maxime Zzoui (FRANCE) and Ani Fuller (NZ/GERMANY)

and your homegrown superstars Shanon Coxall-Jones and Raechel Allen-Jones (NEW ZEALAND)

Summer Swing Camp 2020

We’re excited to bring you Summer Swing Camp, a memorable dance holiday in beautiful Northland.

More info can be found here:

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/438516873474880/

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SummerSwingCamp/