NeverlandSwing 2022 (WSDC)
30/06/22 - 04/07/22 Maarssen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Welcome to our 8th edition of NeverlandSwing!!
Your combination of dancing West Coast Swing the entire weekend while the luxury of staying at a great 4-star hotel all under one roof!! Our location is: *Carlton President Hotel, Floraweg 25, 3542 DX Utrecht* (30 minutes from Amsterdam) We are extremely proud to introduce to you our staff for NLS2020!!- Jakub Jakoubek (Czech Republic) Confirmed
- Emeline Rouchefeuille (France) Confirmed
- Inga Kurciša (Latvia) Confirmed
- Léo Lorenzo (France) Confirmed
- Izabella Kowalska (Hungary) Not confirmed yet
- Chuck Brown (USA) Confirmed
Bringing our All-Star DJ Team back for another year!
- Jose de La Mancha (DJ-France)
- Chris van Dommelen (DJ-Germany)
- Martin Lahmann (DJ-Germany)
***************** WWW.NEVERLANDSWING.COM ***************** NeverlandSwing 2022 @ the Carlton President Hotel !!
- 12 hours (!!) of WCS workshops
- 4 Dance Parties
- NLS Themed party: We already know this ;) <== coming soon!
- PureSwing Dance WCS Routine participation
- Zouk, Blues and Lindy Hop teaser classes!!
- Dancing 'til the early morning!!
- Rising Star and Pro shows..!!
- WSDC Jack & Jill, Strictly Swing, Blues & Lindy Hop Competitions
- Limited private lessons available on request
Our weekend will include:
- 12 hours of WCS workshops
- 4 Dance Parties
- PureSwing Dance WCS Routine participation
- Zouk, Blues and Lindy Hop teaser classes
- Dancing 'til the early morning!!
- Rising Star and show performances by our Pros
- WSDC Jack & Jill, Strictly Swing, Blues and Lindy Hop Competitions
- Limited private lessons available on request
Room options are already available for NeverlandSwing 2022!!
[RESERVATIONS@PRESIDENT.CARLTON.NL](RESERVATIONS@PRESIDENT.CARLTON.NL)After booking, the hotel will send you a reply of the booking as your confirmation
Check out our website to keep up with every new update concerning this weekend!! Don't forget to register and follow us at: for more updates :)